Even the auto dealers themselves have to admit: many car buyers dread buying cars from auto dealers. Young people are especially wary. And for good reason.
Car dealers keep selling unsafe, recalled used cars to consumers, putting them, their friends and family, and other motorists at risk of death or serious, debilitating injuries.
And as if that weren’t bad enough, they also insist that you surrender your Constitutional rights as part of the price of buying a car from them.
Good luck trying to buy a car from a dealer without a “gotcha” clause hidden in the contract that says you give up your Constitutional right to take them to court, and benefit from our nation’s hard-won consumer protection laws. Like laws against rolling back odometers, selling “junk” cars that are advertised as being “in mint condition,” or engaging in other forms of cheating, lying, fraud, and thievery.
And get this: the dealers got a special exemption from Congress — just for car dealers — that allows them to keep THEIR Constitutional rights. So they can take anyone they want to court, and use the laws that benefit THEM. But they killed a bill that would have protected YOU from losing your rights when you sign on the dotted line to buy a car from them.
If you’re fed up with car dealers and their scams, check this out:
Cleveland Plain Dealer: Arbitration: What you don’t know about fine print can hurt you
And let your local car dealers know you’re not buying from them until they clean up their act, and you don’t have to surrender your rights to buy a car from them.