US Senators Schumer, Murkowski, Boxer, and McCaskill introduce bill to ban rental car companies from renting recalled vehicles to consumers


A Bipartisan Group of Senators Introduces Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act of 2013 That Would Close A Dangerous Loophole That Allows Rental Car Companies To Rent Or Sell Recalled Vehicles That Are Unlawful for Car Dealers to Sell

Legislation is Named for California Girls Killed When Recalled Rental Car Caught Fire and Has Support of Rental Car Industry – Bill to Receive Hearing in Commerce Subcommittee For the First Time

Senators: Keeping Defective and Potentially Dangerous Cars Off the Road Is a Matter of Life and Death

Today, U.S. Senators Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), Lisa Murkowski (R-AK), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), and Claire McCaskill (D-MO) introduced legislation that would ban car rental companies from allowing consumers to rent or sell vehicles that are under manufacturer recall. The Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act of 2013 is supported by all the major car rental companies – Hertz, Enterprise, Avis Budget, Dollar Thrifty, and National – as well as the American Car Rental Association – together representing virtually 100 percent of the rental car market.

While current law prohibits car dealerships from selling recalled vehicles to consumers, no law bans rental car companies from doing the same or renting them to unsuspecting consumers. The Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act of 2013 would keep unsafe rental cars that have been recalled off the road. Later this month, Senator Claire McCaskill, the Chair of the Senate Commerce Committee, Consumer Protection Subcommittee, intends to hold a hearing on the bill.

“Rental car companies are rolling the dice with passengers’ lives each and every time they rent a car that’s under a recall,” said Senator Schumer. “This practice has already proved tragic. Most rental companies have now changed their policies, but we need a law to ensure that recalled cars are never again driven off of rental lots. This bipartisan bill is a common sense safety measure, and I’m very grateful that Senator McCaskill has agreed to hold a hearing on it.”

“This legislation honors the memory of Raechel and Jacqueline Houck – two beautiful girls who lost their lives in a senseless tragedy – by ensuring that no other family will have to fear that the rental car they are driving is unsafe,” said Senator Boxer. “Because of the tireless work of their mother, Cally, we are able to introduce this bipartisan bill today that will make sure that vehicles rented or sold by rental car companies are safe and sound.”

“Our goals for this legislation are twofold—to protect families, and to prevent undue burdens for employers—and this agreement succeeds on both fronts,” said McCaskill, Chairman of the Senate Subcommittee on Consumer Protection, which will hold a hearing on the legislation later this month. “Neither side got everything they wanted, but by everybody giving a little, we’re getting a lot—and that’s what compromise is all about.”

“No other family should have to endure such horrific losses just because a rental car company didn’t bother to ensure that their cars are not being recalled due to safety defects,” said Cally Houck, the mother of Raechel and Jacqueline Houck.

Rosemary Shahan, President of Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety added, “We’re optimistic that Congress will act to stop all rental car companies from playing ‘rental car roulette’ with their customers’ lives.”

In 2004, sisters Raechel and Jacqueline Houck were killed driving a rental car that had been recalled for a power steering hose defect but had not been repaired. The car caught fire because of the defect while traveling on the highway, causing a loss of steering and a head-on collision with a semi-trailer truck. The young women died in the crash. The Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act of 2013 is needed to ensure this tragedy is not repeated.

Getting unsafe vehicles off the road is integral to improving safety and saving lives. This is why current law requires manufacturers to recall vehicles that have safety-related defects or do not meet federal safety standards. Current law also prohibits auto dealers from selling a new car under recall unless the defect has been remedied. The Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act of 2013 would, for the first time, hold rental companies to the same standard as auto dealers. Specifically, the bill:

· Prohibits Rental or Sale of Vehicles Subject to a Safety Recall. Under the senators’ plan, vehicles may not be rented or sold until the vehicles are fixed, consistent with existing law for new car dealers, who have been prohibited from selling or leasing recalled vehicles for decades. Rental companies would be permitted to sell a damaged vehicle subject to recall for parts or scrap with a junk title.

· Requires Rental Companies to Ground Vehicles Under a Safety Recall. The bill would ensure that vehicles under a safety recall will be grounded as soon as possible but no later than 24 hours after the rental company gets the safety recall notice. Rental companies will have up to 48 hours for recalls that include more than 5,000 vehicles in their fleet.

· Permits Rental Companies to Rely on Temporary Measures Identified by Manufacturers. If a manufacturer’s recall notice specifies steps that can be taken to eliminate the safety risk until parts are available, a rental company may continue to rent the vehicle if those measures are put in place but must ground and repair the vehicle once parts become available.

· Ensures NHTSA Has Tools Necessary to Protect Consumers. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration will have authority to investigate and police rental companies’ recall safety practices.

The Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act of 2013 is supported by Carol (Cally) Houck – mother of Raechel and Jacqueline Houck, Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety, Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety, Center for Auto Safety, Consumers Union, Consumer Federation of America, Consumer Action, National Association of Consumer Advocates, and Trauma Foundation.

The bill has been endorsed by all the major car rental companies – Hertz, Enterprise, Avis Budget, Dollar Thrifty, and National – as well as the American Car Rental Association. The bill also is supported by the Truck Renting and Leasing Association, representing the vast majority of truck renting and leasing operations in the United States, as well as AAA and State Farm.


“Although most of the car rental industry already prohibits renting or selling recalled cars if they haven’t been repaired, lawmakers can further reassure car rental customers across the board by supporting and voting in favor of this important federal legislation. As a result, we will continue advocating on behalf of this bill and working diligently with consumer advocates, the American Car Rental Association and other key stakeholders to help get it passed.”

The American Car Rental Association

“The American Car Rental Association (ACRA) is pleased to join with consumer advocates in support of this legislation, which prohibits the rental of any vehicle that has an unrepaired safety recall and addresses certain practical implementation issues of our industry. It is critically important that Congress codify what most of the car rental industry voluntarily enacted last year. By formally creating a uniform standard, both car-rental and car-sharing customers will have even greater confidence going forward no matter where they rent their vehicles.”


“Hertz supports efforts to prohibit car rental companies from renting or selling recalled cars if they haven’t been repaired. The major companies do an excellent job handling recalls, and consumers should have confidence that the cars they drive are safe; this legislation will help improve the public’s perception of our industry’s commitment to safety.”


“check engine” light woes

You’re a smart consumer. So before you buy that used car, you take it for a test drive.  You notice that there are no warning lights on the dashboard. You think everything is fine, and you buy the car.

But — shortly after you drive it home, the “check engine” light comes on. This spells trouble. BIG trouble. This scenario is playing out all over the country. It’s become a frequent complaint among used car buyers. “I just bought it and now the ‘check engine’ light is on.”  Adding to the woes experienced by consumers who are victims of “check engine-itis” — the repairs to get that pesky light to go off can cost $3,000 — $4,000 or more.

Margie Y of Hawthorne, CA contacted CARS and said she bought a used Toyota for her daughter, as a present for her 21st birthday, from a local dealership. Within a day, the “check engine” light came on. Then the alternator blew up, and the car caught on fire. When she had the partly charred Toyota towed to a mechanic, he said it needed a new alternator, catalytic converter, and solenoid — at an estimated cost of over $2400.  Money she didn’t have, since she had paid $6200 cash for the Flaming Toyota, and also traded in a vehicle that was running fine, plus had paid $300 for the tow.

Unfortunately, this story is all too familiar. So — what’s happening?  According to automotive experts, unscrupulous dealers buy “scan tools” over the internet that allow them to simply wipe out the error codes that trigger the “check engine” light. Then they sell the car.  As soon as it’s driven a short distance, the error codes register and — on goes the dashboard warning light.  Some dealers don’t bother to buy the scan tools. They just disconnect the battery, erasing the error codes and getting the “check engine” light to go off just long enough to foist the car off onto an unsuspecting used car buyer.

Not only are the dealers cheating their customers, they’re also falsifying smog test results and polluting the air. They know that chances are good their customers won’t be able to pay for the expensive repairs, and will end up driving the car despite the fact it doesn’t meet emissions standards.  The day of reckoning may come when the hapless consumer tries to register it, and it won’t pass the smog test. But by then, the dealer figures it will be too late for the consumer to take them to court.

What can you do to avoid becoming a victim of “check engine-itis”?  The most effective single thing you can do is to insist on getting your own trusted mechanic to inspect the car before you buy. They should be able to detect the fact the error codes have been wiped clean, and also do a check of the emissions system that will turn up the problems.  Where can you find a good, reliable mechanic?  Car Talk’s Mechanics Files is a terrific resource, where you can find the best mechanics in your area, based on reviews written by their own customers.

Check Car Talk’s Mechanics Files to find a reliable mechanic — before you buy

Tell the seller that you want them to take the car to YOUR mechanic before you’ll agree to buy.  If they balk at that, or try to talk you out of it, well, that’s why God gave you feet — so you can walk away from there. Pronto.  There are plenty of good used cars for sale.You don’t need to get stuck with one that will cause you hassles and headaches.

“The financing fell through” — car deals gone bad

It’s a consumer transaction like no other. When you buy any other product or service, once you’ve signed on the dotted line, the seller can’t unilaterally change the deal. But then you set foot on a car dealership lot, and it’s like you’ve entered a parallel universe where suddenly the rules of the road no longer apply.

No other shopping experience in your life prepares you for what auto dealers try to pull. It’s called “yo-yo” financing. It’s a shady practice that has made headlines nationwide, and is becoming notorious, but continues to happen at auto dealerships every day, all across the country.

You negotiate to buy a car. You reach an agreement. You make a deposit and trade in the car you own. You are then sitting across the table from the Finance Manager, who is all smiles and claims to be on your side. He says he’ll get you the “best terms” on a car loan. He shows you the federally required Truth in Lending disclosures. Total amount financed. Monthly payment.  You look it over, it appears to be reasonable, and you sign the Retail Installment Contract. The salesman hands you the car keys, and off you go, in your newly acquired car. Life is good.

But then a week or two later, you get a phone call from the dealership. They say that the financing “fell through.” They want you to go back and sign another contract. On worse terms. The interest rate you agreed to was 4%. Now they want to charge 16%. Or 20%. The monthly payment was a manageable $240.  Now it will shoot up to $480.   They claim that your credit isn’t as good as they thought. Which makes no sense, since they pulled your credit report before financing the car. Given electronic communications, they knew within seconds what rate you qualified to get.

What they’ve done is known as “de-horsing” — a term that harkens back to horse-trading days. Their goal is to get you out of the car you own, and take you out of the market and trap you into a deal with them. Once they have your trade-in and down-payment, chances are good you can’t just go somewhere else and buy a car on better terms.  They have you over a barrel.

If you balk at signing the new contract, they will threaten to report it as stolen.  Or they’ll threaten to repossess the car, and ruin your credit. If you drive back to the dealership in your newly purchased vehicle, they may park cars on both sides and behind it, to block you from being able to leave, until you sign the new contract. Typically, they refuse to return your deposit. They also claim they already sold your traded-in car, even though it’s actually sitting on a back lot.

You feel trapped into signing, even though it will cost you thousands more than you had initially agreed to spend.

This is the twisted world of “yo-yo” financing. The dealers claim that the financing “isn’t final” — even though you reached an agreement and signed a contract.

The ONLY way to make sure you don’t fall into the yo-yo trap: NEVER, EVER get a loan from a car dealer. Always get your own pre-approved loan. And don’t fall for it if the dealer claims it will get you better terms. Because those can change after you drive off the lot.

CARS recently heard from a consumer, Michael L., who was being scammed by a major car dealer in Sacramento. He and his fiancee are expecting their first child in a few months and wanted a bigger car.   Michael had pre-qualified for a loan at around 10%. He had the check, from Capitol One, in hand.  The dealership finance manager promised a lower interest rate. Thinking he could save some money, Michael agreed to go with dealer financing. Then came the phone call — sorry, the loan “wasn’t approved” at the lower rate. The dealer demanded that he pay 18%.  So instead of paying $23,000 for the loan, Michael was going to have to pay over $30,000 to finance the same car.

He contacted CARS and we brought his case to the attention of a major national news organization. When the dealership found out about the potential news coverage, it backed down and Michael got to keep the car on the original terms. He said he’d learned his lesson — never trust a car dealer, especially not on the financing.

Chrysler refuses to recall its flaming Jeeps — Act Now!

Over 287 people have died in 202 fiery crashes involving 1993-2004 Jeep Grand Cherokees, more than the ill-famed Ford Pinto in the 1970s. Yet Chrysler continues to refuse to recall their flaming Jeeps.

Please help stop innocent people from being burned to death in Jeeps designed with the gas tanks behind the rear axle, where rear-end collisions cause the tanks to rupture and explode.

A courageous woman from Virginia who witnessed a horrific crash, which cost a mother and teenager their lives, has filed an online petition.  Once you read it, you’ll know why those Jeeps have to be recalled — and why it’s important to add your name to the growing list of concerned consumers calling on Chrysler to stop the carnage —

Here’s where you can sign Janelle’s petition

Who needs car dealers?

If you want a new car, unless you are buying a Tesla, you are probably going to be forced to buy from a car dealer. That’s because car dealers in all 50 states have paid legislators handsomely to enact special franchise laws that give them monopolies over new car sales. This leaves new car buyers with little choice, but to buy from a dealer.

But used cars are another story. Each year, millions of American consumers buy and sell used cars directly to each other — without having to pay a middleman.  Why is this kind of transaction so popular?

  • You can save thousands of dollars
  • You can avoid major headaches and hassles
  • You can get a newer, cleaner-running, safer, better vehicle — for the same amount of money you would have paid for an older, dirtier, less safe vehicle from a dealer.

According to the Better Business Bureau, year after year, auto dealers are the #1 source of consumer complaints to the BBB.  So why go there?

The average dealership sales transaction takes approximately 4 hours, and is designed to wear you down and get you to the point where you will sign anything, just to get it over with and leave.  Some consumers have been literally held hostage at dealerships that took the keys to their cars– supposedly to evaluate them as a trade-in — then refused to give them back — until they bought a car.

Common scams you can avoid when you buy from a private person —

  • Sales of unsafe, recalled vehicles — it seems incredible, but — the National Automobile Dealers Association has taken the official position that its dealer members should be able to sell you an unsafe, recalled used car that hasn’t been fixed. Even though the fix is FREE. In some cases, innocent, unsuspecting used car buyers have been maimed or killed in recalled vehicles sold to them by licensed dealers — who claim it’s not their responsibility if the car was under a recall.
  • “Yo-yo” financing — basically, bait and switch on the terms of the loan. You sign a contract with the dealer, that says you’re going to pay 4% or 5% interest. You leave a down payment and trade in your old car. You drive off the lot and everything seems fine. Then you get a call from the dealer telling you that you have to come back because the financing “fell through” — which is a lie. But if you refuse to return and sign a new contract to buy the car at, say, 16% interest, or give the dealer a bigger down payment, or both, the dealer threatens to repossess your car, or report it as stolen.  The dealer refuses to give you back your down payment and traded-in vehicle, to trap you and keep you from being able to go elsewhere to buy.
  • Dealer “markups” — hidden kickbacks that increase the price of auto loans from car dealers, and cost consumers over $25.8 billion in a single year.  Dealers get kickbacks from lenders, in exchange for raising the interest rate on your car loan beyond the rate you actually qualify to get. This extra charge is not based on risk, but on the dealer’s assessment of how much they can get away with charging you, after sizing you up, including  checking out your profile in databases that have your personal information sliced and diced by literally hundreds of criteria.

Read more about auto dealer markups

  • Falsified loan applications — after you fill out and sign an application for a loan, indicating that your income is $2400 a month, the dealer changes it to $12,400 a month, to get you into a loan that you can’t possibly afford. But the dealer gets credit for the sale anyway, and collects a bonus from the manufacturer, even if you eventually default and lose your car, and your credit is trashed.
  • Forgery — The dealer signs your name on documents that allow the dealer to access your personal checking account and set up an automatic payment to the dealer, every month. Or the dealer signs your name on documents saying that you purchased a $3000 extended warranty, when you turned it down. While this is a crime, it’s extremely rare for any law enforcement officials to do anything about it.
  • Identity theft — Some dealers have been arrested and convicted of committing identity theft.  Hundreds of others have gone out of business, leaving loan applications, purchase contracts, and other documents with personal information in dumpsters, or abandoned dealership buildings, leaving customers vulnerable to identity theft.
  •  Odometer tampering — this crime is burgeoning, thanks to crooked dealers who purchase gadgets on the internet that allow them to simply re-set odometers. This can cost you thousands by tricking you into buying a car that is worth far less than what you paid. It will also need major, expensive repairs that will not be covered by a warranty or extended service contract, since warranties and service contracts exclude cars with odometer discrepancies.
  • Salvage fraud — Dealers sell wrecked or flooded vehicles they obtain at auction for a fraction of what they would cost, if they hadn’t been severely damaged. Then they give them a quick, cheap once-over, to make them look appealing, without doing any of the expensive repairs necessary to make them safe and reliable. For example, the dealer fails to replace the air bags, which deployed in a crash. Or fails to replace the electronic systems on a flood car, which have been contaminated and will corrode and malfunction.
  • Binding mandatory arbitration —  If you have a major problem with a car dealer, you may think you can sue. The law may even be on our side. But  you may never get to court, since the contract you signed had a clause — hidden in the fine print — that says you are giving up your Constitutional right to a trial before a court of law. Instead, you must submit your complaint to a private “arbitrator” who works for a company that is funded by the dealer. Studies show that “arbitrators” almost always rule in favor of the company, and against the consumer. Plus the “arbitrators” are totally free to ignore the law.  Consumer groups tried to change the federal law that allows car dealers to get away with this — but the dealers killed it.  Now all of them have clauses in their contracts to keep you from being able to haul them before a judge.

Why subject yourself to being scammed by a shady auto dealer, when you can take control of the sales process and get a much better deal from another consumer? If you follow about a dozen simple steps, you can get a safe, reliable, fuel-efficient car and save yourself a lot of time and money.

Tips from CARS on how to buy a good, safe used car

Tips from on how to sell your own car


Unsafe, Recalled Used Cars for Sale on Dealer Lots

Used car dealers across the nation persist in foisting off unsafe, recalled vehicles on an unsuspecting public. Motor vehicles rank among the most hazardous consumer products in the nation, in terms of fatalities, serious and debilitating injuries, and economic costs to our country.

Fortunately, car dealers are prohibited by federal law from selling or leasing NEW cars that are being recalled by the manufacturer. But unfortunately, there is no such law to protect USED car buyers.

Each year, about 40 million people purchase used cars. But the powerful auto dealer lobby — which received billions of taxpayer dollars during the Great Recession — has blocked attempts in Congress to protect used car buyers from unsafe, defective recalled cars being sold at dealerships.

News organizations have repeatedly identified this problem. In 2010, the non-partisan U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) recommended that Congress address the threat posed by unsafe, recalled used cars. But so far, Congress has failed to act. Auto dealers are not even required to report fatal or injury crashes involving recalled vehicles they sell to the public, to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.

CBS’ Early Show investigated sales of recalled, used cars and found unfixed, recalled cars on lots scattered across the country.  When they asked if the cars were being recalled, sales personnel assured them that they wouldn’t have them for sale if they were being recalled. If only that were true.

According to CBS’ Early Show: “A dealer in Oklahoma sold Tabitha Gordon a used Durango in 2009. She was driving with her son, Kaden, when the lights, wipers and locks went haywire.  Gordon said of the incident, “I felt like I was in a twilight zone. … The plastic that covers the speedometer had popped, and smoke started billowing into the vehicle.”

She managed to pull over and get Kaden out as the car caught on fire. [“Early Show” Consumer Correspondent Susan] Koeppen said it turns out Gordon was sold a car that had been recalled for an electrical defect.  “We were told that it was safe and it would be a safe vehicle for our family,” Gordon said. “And it wasn’t, it was far from it.

Watch video: CBS Early Show — Recalled Used Cars Up For Sale

Can you imagine how awful it would be, for your car to catch on fire, when you have your child strapped in a child safety seat in the back? What if you are driving with several children who are strapped in? Would you be able to get all of them out in time, before the car explodes?

Auto dealers complain that it’s too much bother for them to find out if a car is being recalled and get it fixed, before offering it for sale. They would rather risk your life, and your family’s safety, than take the time to call the manufacturer’s toll free number and check the car’s status, or visit the manufacturer’s website, online, and get the car fixed — for free.

CARS believes that even if you can’t afford a new car, or if you simply decide that a used car is a better deal, you and your family still deserve to be safe.

What can you to to protect yourself from unsafe, recalled used cars?  When you find a car you like,  NEVER take the car dealer’s word for it that the car does not have a safety recall pending.  As reporters have repeatedly documented, car dealers are prone to lying about safety recalls, even if you ask them face-to-face about a specific car.

Instead, BEFORE you buy, do your own research.  Note the Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), which is stamped on a small plate on the dashboard, visible through the windshield. Call the auto manufacturer’s toll-free number and ask if all the recall work has already been done. Or check the auto manufacturer’s website, under “safety recalls,” and enter the VIN.  You can also contact a local dealership that sells that make of vehicle, and ask them to double-check for you. Since new car dealers get paid to do recall repairs on makes they sell, at least they have some incentive to tell you the truth.

Read More: CARS tips for used car buyers






Federal Trade Commission — private car sellers often give “more reliable information” than auto dealers

We now have an official answer to the age-old question: Are you more likely to be misled if you buy a car from a private individual or from a used car dealer? Obviously, dealers want you to buy from them — and these days, they are boasting about their record profits.

But — auto sales remain the leading cause of consumer complaints to state and local consumer protection agencies. Year after year, new and used car dealers also rank #1 among the most-complained about businesses, in terms of consumer complaints to the Better Business Bureau.

To top it all off, the leading federal consumer protection agency for America’s car buyers recently stated flat-out that you’re more likely to get accurate information about a used car’s history when you buy a car from another consumer, rather than a used car dealer.

Here’s what the Federal Trade Commission stated:

“The Commission concluded that the [Used Car] Rule should not extend to private or casual sellers of used cars because the record failed to support a finding that deceptive sales practices were prevalent in private sales. The Commission noted that in private sales, prospective customers often receive more reliable information about mechanical condition than they do from dealers…” **

    ** Federal Register, Vol. 77, No. 242, Dec. 17, 2012, pages 74761-74762.

Of course, you still have to be on the lookout for “curbstoners” — dealers masquerading as consumers. Be sure to insist on seeing the title and registration, and past work orders from repairs, and make sure that the names on the documents match the seller’s name.

And ALWAYS, ALWAYS insist on getting the car inspected by an independent, reliable, trustworthy mechanic / body shop of YOUR choosing, before you buy. A good place to find an expert to perform the inspection? Car Talk’s Mechanics Files.

It’s a good idea to also check the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System and other vehicle history services before you buy. The more you know, the better. NEVER trust a car dealer to tell you the truth about a car.

Twelve tips for consumers on how to buy a safe, reliable used car — without being cheated by a shady car dealer:

CARS’ Twelve Tips for Used Car Buyers

Happy, safe car buying and Happy New Year!

Buyer Beware: Auto dealers selling unsafe, recalled cars — without fixing them first

One of the reasons many car buyers purchase used cars from an auto dealer is to get a car that they think is safer. But are they really safe? Not necessarily. Each year, millions of used cars are sold, without the safety recall work being done. Many are being sold by so-called “reputable” auto dealers.

The harsh reality — dealers are prohibited from selling NEW cars that are under a safety recall, but are exploiting a loophole in federal law that allows them to sell USED cars that are under a safety recall, without fixing them first.

Their excuse? They don’t want to bother to take them out of service as loaner cars, or to another dealer, for FREE repairs. After all, that might cut into their profits or be inconvenient.

Never mind the fact they are putting their customers’ lives in jeopardy. And also creating a hazard for other motorists who share the road with the unsafe, recalled cars. This excuse is especially lame, since the repairs are FREE.  By federal  law, the auto manufacturers must pay for the repairs, in full.

According to a report issued by the non-partisan Government Accountability Office, car dealers’ sales of unrepaired, recalled cars is a serious problem that urgently needs to be addressed.

In the wake of the Toyota recall scandal, and in reaction to the GAO report, Congress attempted to require auto dealers to fix recalled used cars before selling them to the public. But under pressure from the powerful auto dealer lobby, that provision was stripped from the national auto safety bill that finally passed.

Tragically, unsafe, recalled cars continue to put unsuspecting car buyers and their families at risk. One investigation by highly respected consumer reporter Joe Ducey, Channel 15 in Arizona found dozens of recalled cars for sale on the lots of major auto dealers:

Cars with unrepaired safety recall issues sold from Valley car lots

Don’t fall prey to this dangerous scam. Be aware you can’t rely on auto dealers not to sell or rent an unsafe, recalled car. In fact, the powerful auto dealer lobby is actively pushing in Congress to keep on putting their customers’ lives in jeopardy. So far, they have prevailed.

Were you sold an unsafe, recalled car by a dealer? If so, CARS wants to hear from you. The only way this reckless policy will stop is when people like you speak up and the truth gets out.

Contact CARS

Meanwhile, here are 11 top tips from CARS, for how to buy a safe, reliable used car — without even having to step foot on a car dealer’s lot:

How to buy a safe, reliable used car — without getting ripped off


Auto dealers granted special exemption from Dodd-Frank based on lies

Auto dealers are directly responsible for writing up the lion’s share of the $850 billion auto lending market. Like home mortgages, most of those loans are then packaged, securitized and sold on Wall Street to investors — spreading the risk around. New and used car dealers are also the leading source of consumer complaints to state and local consumer protection agencies and the Better Business Bureau.  They played a major role in the collapse of the economy and the recession.

Despite years of being warned by economic analysts that their predatory practices were a “house of cards” that would inevitably collapse, they failed to rein in their abuses. Instead, their practices went from bad to worse — including falsifying loan applications and forging signatures on documents, and selling cars they didn’t even own — massively defrauding the public, banks, and other dealerships.

So why aren’t they regulated under the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act?

Simple. It’s because they were granted a special exemption, by Congress. The claim that dealers made, to rationalize this special treatment, was that auto dealers are supposedly “Main Street, not Wall Street.” This talking point became their oft-repeated refrain with members of Congress and the press.  Never mind that it was laughably false.

Former U.S. Senator Sam Brownback (R-Kansas) presented the amendment to give the special exemption from Dodd-Frank to auto dealers, on the Senate Floor. Not surprisingly, he merely mouthed the car dealer line about their not being part of Wall Street.  He claimed that car dealers

“are the quintessential Main Street business throughout the country. There’s not a single auto dealer on Wall Street. None of them. Not a one. You can go up there today and try to buy a car and you can’t get one. These are Main Street businesses.”

Too bad what Sen. Brownback told his Senate colleagues was totally false.  A simple check of readily available public filings would have revealed that actually over 1,000 dealerships are owned by huge automotive dealership chains that are indeed traded on Wall Street.

Exhibit A: the behemoth AutoNation, based in Florida, which owns more than 215 dealerships, and took in over $13 billion during 2011. Bill Gates is one of the major investors who owns shares of AutoNation. Hardly most people’s idea of Main Street.

Here’s a link to Brownback’s floor speech, recorded by C-Span and posted on the U.S. Senate website. Sen. Brownback’s speech appears approximately 2 hours and 53 minutes after the recording starts:

May 24, 2010 Floor Debate over Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform Act

Reality check:  Among the leading auto dealership chains that are publicly traded on Wall Street (revenue based on figures from Automotive News, March 12, 2012 — for the year 2011):

AutoNation — 215 dealerships, over $13 billion in revenue

AutoNation’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission

Penske Automotive Group — 145 dealerships, over $11 billion in revenue

Penke’s filings with the SEC

Sonic Automotive — 119 dealerships, over $7 billion in revenue

Sonic’s filings with the SEC

Asbury Automotive Group — 79 dealerships, over $4 billion in revenue

Asbury’s filings with SEC

Apparently Sen. Brownback was so gullible, he believed what the auto dealers told him and fell for their line about being Main Street, not Wall Street, without bothering to check the facts.  You can draw your own conclusions about his intelligence, or motives. Let’s just say that if you’re buying a car, he’s probably not someone you would want to ask for advice on how to get a good deal.

So — if you’re ripped off by an auto dealer, who would otherwise be policed by the new Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, created under Dodd-Frank, who do you have to blame?  Well, the dealer, of course. Plus former Sen. Brownback, who is now the Republican Governor of Kansas. Plus all the members of Congress who failed to stand up to the auto dealer lobby, whether because they were so ignorant about the business, or gullible, or just plain corrupted by auto dealer cash. Interestingly, all the Republicans voted to exempt the car dealers, who are among their biggest sources of campaign cash. Most Democrats voted against the exemption, which was opposed personally by President Obama.

And if you’re ripped off by an AutoNation dealership, you can blame one of their largest shareholders, who profits from their billions in revenue — Bill Gates.

Dealers sell stolen cars

When you buy a car from a dealership, you don’t expect to end up with a “hot” car that was reported stolen. But — some dealers have been selling stolen cars to unsuspecting consumers. Worse, when the cars were seized by police, the dealers refused to give the consumers a refund.

A Florida woman bought a car from a large franchised auto dealer. Imagine her shock when police showed up at her home and seized the vehicle. They told her it was stolen property. She showed them the contract and other documents. She had even registered it in her name and paid for major, expensive repairs.

However, that didn’t matter — she still lost her car. When she contacted the dealer who sold her the car, he refused to accept any responsibility.

Eventually, she got an attorney and sued, but years later she was still trying to get a refund, while the dealer kept stonewalling.

Recently, a news team in Sacramento contacted CARS about a similar case. The insurance company had paid off the claim on the stolen car, and took possession when it was recovered — from a hapless car buyer, who had a receipt to prove she had bought it from a local dealer. Suddenly she was without her car, and she lost all the payments she had made.

You may think that when you buy a car from a licensed dealership that you’re protected. Unfortunately, when stolen property is involved, often the dealers and insurers come out ahead, leaving innocent consumers in the lurch.

A Texas man was arrested by Mexican authorities after the vehicle he bought from a dealership in Texas was identified as stolen, after he drove it into Mexico and attempted to return home.  He was eventually cleared of auto theft charges. But the dealership balked at paying him back for the stolen car.

Some consumers are victims of a sophisticated scam known as “VIN-switching” or “vehicle identity theft.” Thieves switch the VIN plates or alter them. According to the FBI, VIN switching is a serious — and all-too common — crime.

Bottom line for car buyers: Always insist on seeing the title to the car before you buy. Make sure the name on the title matches the seller’s name. Make sure the VIN on the car is the same as on the title. Double-check with the motor vehicle department in your state to confirm that the owner has proper title to a car with that VIN.

Read more: FBI — suspect sentenced for VIN switching

Texas man says dealer sold him stolen car

Buyer Beware: Flood cars from states hit by Hurricane Sandy


Tens of thousands of flood cars that have been submerged in salt water, and contaminated by bacteria and various toxins, will soon start to appear all over the country, even in states far from the center of the storm.  Flood cars are inherently unsafe, and pose a serious risk to anyone who drives them, rides in them, or even just comes into contact with them.

Flood cars are basically rotting from the inside out. The electronic / computer systems, which control everything including the brakes, engine, air bags, and other major safety systems, are hopelessly compromised and will inevitably corrode and fail, over time.

Bacteria, mold, and other contaminants can cause serious or fatal health problems, particularly among children and adults with asthma and people with allergies or compromised immune systems.

Tips for consumers — how to avoid flood car scams:

  • Be on the lookout for both new and used cars with tell-tale signs of having been submerged — musty smell or “over-perfumed,” silt in places like under carpeting, in the well where the spare is stored, or title histories indicating the car was in the flood area


  • Check federal database of total loss carsprior to purchase (this is the official website for the National Motor Vehicle Title Information System, established by the US Dept. of Justice, where insurers, self-insured entities, salvage pools (auctions), and junkyards in all 50 states MUST report all total loss vehicles, within 30 days — many report daily)


  • If the vehicle is relatively new, or still within the factory warranty period, get the VIN number and call the manufacturer to ask if they will honor the warranty — if it’s a flood car, they won’t honor the warranty, even if it’s new. Insist on getting confirmation in writing that the manufacturer will honor the warranty, before you buy.


  • Keep in mind that a “clean” title is not an indication the car is OK — many cars have had the titles “washed” to remove the “flood” car brand, and many states don’t even have a “flood” car designation. Plus some insurers have admitted routinely failing to properly brand titles — increasing the price the car can command at auction, by making it easier for unscrupulous sellers to hide the car’s checkered past.  This is one reason NMVTIS is so valuable for consumers — total loss vehicles MUST be reported to NMVTIS, even if the titles have never been branded, or if they have been “washed.”


  • Get any car inspected by a trustworthy auto technician — for example, one who gets consistently high ratings in Car Talk’s Mechanics Files — before you buy


  • Test drive the car before you buy — be watchful for signs the car is hesitating, running rough, smells musty, has tell-tale signs of silt or premature rust in places where you wouldn’t expect to see rust


NEVER, EVER buy a car sight unseen, without an inspection and test drive. If you are interested in a car you found over the internet, buy locally and go check it out in person, in a safe, public place, during daylight hours.  It the seller claims they are the owner, make sure they show you the work orders from the repairs they had performed, and confirm the name on the work orders matches the name on the registration and title.


Avoid GAP insurance rip-offs

If you’re buying a car from a dealership, resist high-pressure tactics aimed at getting you to buy “GAP” insurance. What the finance manager doesn’t tell you is that auto dealers make a lot of profits from the sales of GAP, or “Guaranteed Asset Protection” policies.

Dealers hike up the price, and add it onto your loan, where it can cost you $1000 or more extra, over the life of the loan. Some charge double or triple what you would pay if you bought GAP separately from a reputable insurance company. Finance managers are usually paid an extra bonus based on how many GAP products they sell. So they have a personal financial incentive to pressure you.

The purpose of GAP is to cover you if your car is stolen or totaled before you pay off the loan. The “GAP” is between the amount of the loan and the worth of the car. If there’s a large difference, it’s a sign you’re paying too much for the car.

It’s better to get a less expensive car, or wait until you can pay more of a down-payment and get a shorter loan, or pay cash, instead of paying extra for GAP.

If you do decide you want GAP coverage, shop around and avoid buying it at the dealership. Why?

One major pitfall to buying GAP at dealerships: many dealers collect the GAP payment, but pocket it themselves, and fail to activate the policy. Some dealers have been arrested and prosecuted for this scam, but even then, their victims were not able to recover their losses.

As a result, consumers who paid for GAP, and believed they were protected, got a rude awakening when their car was stolen, or totaled. When they contacted the insurer that was supposed to pay their claim, they found out they weren’t covered. Suddenly they had no car, and still had to pay thousands extra for the difference between the amount of the loan and what they collected from their auto insurer.

Another problem with buying “GAP” from dealers — often, the policies they sell have loopholes that exclude coverage, in the fine print. So consumers end up paying extra for worthless GAP policies that leave them unprotected.

Bottom line: either don’t buy GAP, or get your own coverage directly from a reputable insurer. Many offer GAP polices, and it pays to shop around.