How is CARS funded?
CARS depends on contributions from the public to keep fighting for safer cars and fair deals for car buyers. CARS also receives important donations of time and expertise from volunteers.
CARS is fiercely independent, and has a strict policy against accepting contributions from the auto industry or other corporate interests. The only exception: if the contributions are ordered and approved by a court of law, as part of the settlement of a case brought on behalf of consumers. CARS also does not receive any government funds.
CARS is supported by contributions from individual consumers, grants from foundations, and court- ordered cy pres contributions approved by a court of law. CARS has received grants from respected pro-consumer foundations, including the Consumer Federation of America Foundation and the California Consumer Protection Foundation, through a competitive and accountable process.
CARS is a tax-exempt non-profit public benefit organization. Contributions from consumers are very welcome and essential for our mission. Please note: due to CARS.' advocacy work on behalf of consumers, contributions to CARS are not tax-deductible. CARS is incorporated under IRS Section 501(c)(4).
Contribute to CARS
Contributions from individual consumers who care about safety are vital to CARS' mission.
There are two ways you can make a donation to CARS:
To donate by check, please mail your check to:
Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety (CARS)
1107 9th Street, Suite 560
Sacramento, CA 95814
There are two ways you can make a donation to CARS:
To donate by check, please mail your check to:
Consumers for Auto Reliability and Safety (CARS)
1107 9th Street, Suite 560
Sacramento, CA 95814
~ or ~
To donate online, using a credit card, please use the form below:
To donate online, using a credit card, please use the form below:
There is another important way to support CARS' work, and that is to sign CARS' petitions, write comments, and spread the word to your family, friends, and colleagues. So far, over 589,000 people have signed CARS' petitions, and many of you have also written comments.
Thanks to public support for our work, CARS has succeeded in winning important victories to protect the public, including our military heroes and their families, from unsafe vehicles and illegal scams. Together, we have a powerful voice that even large multi-national corporations and corrupt politicians cannot ignore. THANK YOU!!
CARS' petitions on
CarMax: Stop Selling Unsafe, Recalled Cars to Consumers More signatures and comments are needed. CarMax still refuses to stop!
VICTORY: Enterprise Rent-a-Car: Stop Opposing a Law Prohibiting Companies from Renting Out Recalled Cars*
VICTORY: Rep. Fred Upton: Support the Raechel and Jacqueline Houck Safe Rental Car Act*
VICTORY: Stop Toyota from Cheating U.S. Military Serving Overseas*
CARS is a non-profit public benefit organization. Contributions are not tax-deductible, due to CARS' legislative advocacy work on behalf of the public interest.
Thank you for your generous support!